Course Introduction
  What’s contained in this course?
    Describe the rationale, content, and objectives of the Grain Quality course.

Many Asian countries are approaching self-sufficiency in rice production and are now looking for ways to improve the quality of their rice for either national consumption or as a revenue generating export. To achieve this goal and to compete in the international market, grain must be of high quality and conform to international standards.

From the time rice grains reach their physiological maturity to the time when they are purchased by consumers in the market, losses in grain quality can be minimized by practicing appropriate farming and production techniques.
Course Overview

Essential to any improvement in the quality of rice is an understanding of the term quality and how it is measured at all stages of rice farming and production. This course examines the meaning of the term quality and the different factors that affect grain quality. Further, it explains how to measure both paddy rice and milled grain quality and to use these measures as benchmarks for improving the quality of grain through better production techniques.

Course Objectives

Course design
  The course is designed to follow the sequence of events that lead to milled rice being purchased by consumers. The following diagram outlines this sequence:


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