Module 1
  Sound field water management and coping with water scarcity
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Lesson 1
  Land preparation  

bulletDescribe how land preparation save water and increase water productivity



Land preparation lays the foundation for the whole cropping season and it is important in any situation to “get the basics right”. Especially important for good water management are construction of field channels, good land leveling, good puddling and proper bund preparations.

Below are the important activities during land preparation that promotes good water management: click on the images to view details.

land preparation



Useful Resources


Practical Exercise:

List down some of the different water saving practices of farmers in your locality.  Compare them with water management discussed above and answer the following questions:

  1. Do you have field canals in your rice fields? What are its functions?
  1. What are your current land preparation practices? Compare them to the above recommended practices?
Next Lesson

Now that you can describe different practices in minimizing water losses during land preparation, we can now proceed how we can reduce water used through crop establishment methods.

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