

The CGLRC provides CGIAR learning resources to the global training and education community of practice in a standardized, electronic format.

Decision Support Tools
Instrumentos Metodológicos para la Toma de Decisiones en el Manejo de los Recursos Naturales | A tool for diagnosing rice field problems RiceDoctor

Dryland Agriculture
Hybridization Techniques in ChickPea | Hybridization Techiques in Faba Bean | Testing Seed for Pathogens

Fishbase | Reefbase | Integrated Agriculture-Aquaculture: A Primer

Tree Improved Fallows in Western Kenya | Mango Growing in Kenya | La multiplication vegetative des ligneux en agroforesterie | Vegetative Tree Propagation (manual | interactive flipbook)

Law and Policy
Law and Policy of Relevance to the Management of Plant Genetic Resources | International Rice Genebank Operations Manual

Breeds of Cattle, A-F | DAGRIS - Domestic Animal Genetic Resources Information System | Diseases of Economic Importance in Small ruminants in sub-Saharan Africa | The epidemiology, diagnosis and control of helminth parasites of ruminants

Plant Breeding and Genetics
Introduction to Collecting Plant Genetic Resources | Planning Collecting Missions

Hybrid Rice Seed Production | Integrated Pest Management | Grain Quality eLearning course | more...

Soil Sampling and Sample Preparation

Train the Trainer
Training in Agroforestry | Class Preparation Checklist | eLearning for Development | Teaching Effectively | Guidelines for Training Delivery | Presentation Skills

Comparative Indicators for Irrigation System Performance | ORYZA2000 | PODIUM, the Policy Dialogue Model

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